How much can I charge for a virtual tour?

Showcasing your business, products, and properties on online websites has become a new trend in today’s digital world. If you are just starting your business you must be thinking how much can I charge for a virtual tour?

Around the globe various businesses such as restaurants, gyms, and companies are in a race to uplift their market reach and gain profit, Virtual tours have opened up a door of opportunities for such businesses by which they can display their property, products, and business specifications allows millions of people around the globe. Real estate agents offer virtual tours to allow the buyers to walk through the property.  Virtual tours have become so popular in the present age that people use them to share their experiences of the places they visit, They allow people to pre-visit places virtually and can understand the location. It also allows people to enjoy tours to zoo, museums, and other beautiful places of the world. Cost analysis of creating a virtual tour is very important. Setting the right price for your business not only helps you gain more clients but also adequately compensates your efforts, But for this first you get to know about how virtual tours are made on our website.

What is a Virtual tour business and how does charging affect your business:

The virtual tour business has gained hype in recent years. In this business, you offer your services to the clients to showcase their business, products, and properties. All you need is to have the right equipment for your high-quality 3D tours and your expertise in using the best software to produce your results. The factors that you should keep in mind while considering how much can I charge for a virtual tour are your expertise, the complexity of the project, the quality of equipment, and the services you are providing. You should always keep a check on how much other professionals in your area are charging.

Keep all these factors in mind and you can set your price for a virtual tour that will not only give you a competitive edge over the other professionals but also help to draw your client’s attention toward your offer.

Understand the market:

You should always understand your market before setting a price for your virtual tour. Restaurants, real estate agents, hostels, museums, and retail stores are looking forward to creating high-quality virtual tours to attract their audience. They are ready to invest in virtual tours as the advancement in technology led to an increase in demand for remote work and online shopping.

Factors influencing pricing:

If you are new in the virtual tour business you should know all the factors that should be considered while setting up price for a virtual tour. Check out the pricing techniques used on our website Virtual tour LLC which allows the client to customize the tour according to their needs and pay accordingly.

Complexity of tour:

You can provide a la carte model of pricing on your websites to your clients. This allows them to choose the services they want and you can charge them accordingly. If you display a custom package on the website with one of two options clients may skip if they don’t find anything of interest in your offer and move to another professional. Creating a virtual tour for small businesses or real estate requires less effort, clients don’t focus much on the details so you will be earning less. large museums and luxury hotels, due to their large area and demand for high-quality and detailed virtual tours can make you earn more. Higher demand for detailed tours including high-resolution images, navigations, and other complexities increases the price for a virtual tour.

Technology and Equipment:

How much can I charge for the virtual tour? Yes, it’s very important to consider how much effort and what quality equipment you are using for your project. High-quality cameras, specialized software, a well as the use of drones while shooting increase the value of your services. You should always take into account the cost of tools and your expertise while charging for your virtual tour.

Experience and Expertise

The price of your virtual tour should reflect your experience and expertise. If you have good experience in creating high-quality virtual tours and a track record of successful projects you can charge higher prices. People are also willing to pay more to the professionals who can give exceptional results.

You can set pricing models when deciding on how much can charge for a virtual tour:

Per project:

If you are taking a step into a smaller and less complex business initially it is a great idea to set prices according to per project. Some real estate agents and small businesses are more interested in this kind of plan as they are easy to understand and reasonable to them. You can add basic services to this plan without adding details and complexities.

Hourly Rate:

Do you think you can offer expert services in this field? Then what’s stopping you? Set your hourly rate. It is always best to charge on an hourly basis for bigger projects that require more time and expertise. Consider the time you are spending on the project and the type of services you are providing to set the best price.

Other charges:

You should always keep profit while deciding the price of your virtual tour project. Keep in mind the cost other than the camera required to set up a virtual tour. You should also keep in mind the cost of other equipment such as a tripod stand, lens, rotator, electricity, internet, and most importantly the type of software you are going to use that ranges from (12-300$).

You can set your estimated price range for the type of project you will be doing provides a solution to how much can charge for a virtual tour, you can charge:

  • For small business 500-1000$
  • Medium-sized property tours: 1000-2000$
  • Large property or business tours with minimum complexity: 2500-3000$
  • Luxury and highly detailed tours: 3500-4500$

Tips to increase pricing:

  • You can add interactive elements, such as navigation and clickable hotspots in the virtual tour to enhance the experience:
  • You can customize the virtual tour according to the brand and client’s aesthetics.
  • You can also add detailed descriptions that will help viewers interact with the virtual tour.


With the rise in demand for virtual tours, determining price for a virtual tour is very important to set a competitive price that meets your level of expertise and time spent on the project. You can also check out virtual tour pricing quotes on our website Virtual Tours LLC to settle your own charges.

Make your virtual tour worth every penny and start your own virtual tour business by setting the best prices.